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Tottenham Hotspurs

One of the footballsteam of London is Tottenham Hotspurs FC. Everything from the beers by the arena to the postgame beer is well worth it. Tickets can often be bought close to the arena outside, but while the chances are that you will be tricked we always advice to buy tickets well in advance.

Tickets can be bought from Tottenham, about GBP 27 or you can buy from agencies that sell tickets; Londonticketshop or Westminsterevents, the tickets are then more expensive.

The Spurs play at Whitehart Lane

Facts: Facts about London - Travel to London - Staying | Hotel: Budget - Lyx | Shopping: Hamleys - Oxford Street - Harrods | Transport: Heathrow - Stanstead - Stanstead Express - London Tube | Sights: Madame Tussauds - London Eye - Tower of London - London Tours - Picadilly Circus - Docklands - Millenium Dome - Tower Bridge - Hyde Park - Excel | Football: Arsenal - Chelsea - Tottenham - West Ham | Musicals: Mamma Mia - Half Price Ticket Booth - Leicester Square